

保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel),瓦萨拉
发布: 2019年11月5日

In our webinar "A Future-Proof Monitoring System: Ensuring Your System can Adapt to the Future of GxP“我们回答了几个问题ViewLinc连续监视系统can adapt to future needs and regulations by communicating with external systems, including: document historians, enterprise resource planning systems, and control systems.

Question: Can you explain more about (MMI)?

MMI stands for Machine-to-Machine Interface. It's a generic term for an interface between two machines. In a monitoring system, the Enterprise Resource Planning System or Data Historian will be the first Machine. This first machine will query a second machine, for instance, a monitoring system, for information. The term MMI does not indicate the form or language of the interface, it indicates automated interactions between two systems.

An example is Open Platform Communications (OPC), which is a common protocol for an MMI in industrial environments. OPC is a standard set of specifications that act as an interface between servers, or clients and servers.Vaisala的OPC UA服务器允许ViewLinc与现有的OPC兼容系统(例如数据历史学家,制造执行系统,构建自动化系统等)进行通信。

Another example is an API. This is an Application Programming Interface (API). TheviewLinc API允许ViewLinc与您选择的系统集成,例如制造执行系统或数据历史学家。这比需要用户手动组合和管理来自单独系统的数据的系统更有效。


在功能中,云是通过数据虚拟化外包信息交换和存储的一种手段。根据该定义,私有云是您拥有和控制的虚拟化网络。如果用于信息虚拟化的所有硬件都位于您的公司网站上,则是私有云,您可以管理其所有元素。这就是为什么它对GXP应用程序更安全的原因。使用私有云,您可以看到哪个服务器存储了与GXP相关的数据。公共云是使用别人服务器的信息虚拟化。您无法控制硬件。虽然您可能知道您的供应商使用Google Cloud或Amazon AWS,但实际上您不知道数据在哪里,也不知道对软件,硬件或任何其他元素的更新周期的控制。


Software as a Service (SAAS) for a monitoring system means that it uses a public cloud. I agree that one day, SAAS will be the most adaptable system. In this case, you could rent data loggers, pay as you go, and automatically upgrade monitoring software to the latest version. But I do not think we are there yet for regulated applications (except maybe for the simplest of non-GxP monitoring applications) because you should not offload responsibility for your data.

In future, we may have regulatory frameworks to support this inevitable transition. Currently, a cloud-based SAAS won’t be able to serve your low-tech sites with manual, paper-based processes. Currently SAAS falls short of the adaptability requirement to be future proof. With that said, Vaisala is developing a cloud-based monitoring application for non-GxP purposes, so we are prepared for the day when it becomes the right choice for GxP.


这Category 4 classification is from “良好的自动制造实践(GAMP)Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacture” published by the国际药品工程师学会(ISPE)。In GAMP methodology, a category number describes the level of complexity in a system or software.

Category 5 is the most complicated system, meaning that it's highly customized and bespoke applications. Category 3 is the most common type of system, referring to systems that operate off-the-shelf, with no real configuration. Category 4 is everything else between, usually called a Configured Application. In terms of validation effort, Category 5 systems will be the most labor intensive. Meanwhile, a Category 3 system, because it is simple, is literally too simple to provide a rich enough feature set to be adaptable. That leaves us with Category 4 systems our most adaptable monitoring option.


Why are we still using PDFs? Isn’t there something better yet?



为了支持ViewLinc连续监控系统,Vaisala提供了several documents这可以简化遵守GXP法规和指导。


根据ViewLinc的体系结构,功能和功能,ViewLinc IQOQ基于适合GXP流程的风险评估。


操作资格提供证据表明,该系统的设计正常运行,满足用户需求规范(URS)中概述的需求,并涵盖了系统的所有与GXP相关的功能,包括:安全审核跟踪,21 CFR Part 11的要求,附件,附件11和PFSB 040122。



  • URS-用户需求规范定义ViewLinc在您的过程中履行其预期作用的功能。本文档是连续监视的要求列表,包括添加过程中独有的新要求的选项。
  • FS-功能规范概述了ViewLINC系统的所有功能,并可以使用利益相关者使用与用户需求规范进行比较来评估CMS作为候选系统。FS中的功能可以满足URS中的每个要求。
  • TM值 -这Traceability Matrix通过评估和测试过程确保需求的可追溯性。它验证了URS中定义的要求是否通过ViewLinc系统中的相应函数满足。它验证了通过风险评估,IQOQ和风险评估对需求和相应功能进行了充分评估。
  • RA-风险评估概述了ViewLinc的功能,这些功能对于保留GXP产品的安全性和功效至关重要。此风险评估为系统中的项目提供了合理的理由。该分析是您测试工作的指南。GAMP哲学的核心原则是利用供应商的参与。在系统开发过程中,Vaisala对CMS IQOQ中不需要测试的项目要么对其进行了彻底的测试,要么在实施过程中对其他地方进行了测试。

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