

mapping study graph in warehouse validation
保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel), Senior Regulatory Compliance Expert
保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)
Published: Jan 20, 2022
Life Science

After our webinar "Continuous Mapping" we received several questions:

Dear Paul,

We have multiple mapping applications. Please allow me to outline some of our approaches to you, so that I can get your feedback to implement potential improvements to our procedures.


We have a vacuum oven that has 10 shelves which generate heat. On each shelf there is a tray. Once the tray is too large to manage, we replace it with two smaller trays using the same available area.

An initial mapping is performed using the original large tray. Once that's done, we will replace that tray by two smaller in each shelf with the same material, should I repeat a mapping study with the two smaller trays?



• Monitoring Probes: one located on the hottest point and another on the coldest point.



Based on your presentation, the three-year routine mapping studies to re-assess monitoring probe placement must consider the winter and summer seasonal period.


Paul wrote:

Thank you for joining our webinar and for asking great questions!


This is very different type of mapping process than mapping for storage. Just to be clear, the recommendations I gave in the webinar were for storage. Some of the principles cross over, of course, but please understand that the presentation was focused on mapping for storage. Nonetheless, I will try and answer your questions.

In the case of a vacuum oven, I would repeat the mapping. Using a different tray, of a different size, or a different material, will change how heat is transferred from the heated shelf to the tray, and could change the end performance and the amount of heat delivered to each product location.


This is not continuous mapping as outlined in the webinar. Yes, it is continuous, but it is not mapping. Mapping cannot be performed with only probe locations. I think you are assuming that the hot and cold spots will remain the same over time. You cannot prove this when you only gather data from two locations. Continuous mapping involves a high density of sensors continuously sampling.



I would question a decision to monitor a warehouse with only two sensors, one each in the identified hot/cold spots. This assumes that the warehouse’s temperature dynamics don’t change, except by season. But we know that warehouse conditions change for many reasons, for example, equipment failure, or personnel changing setpoints without following procedures, or doors accidentally left open.

Probably the most common activity that changes conditions is items being placed in a way that alters air flow and heat distribution. This alone affects where hot and cold spots are located and that can’t be detected by two sensors. Unless your warehouse is quite small (less than 100 cubic meters), I would add some additional monitoring locations. While you are expected to monitor the hot and cold spots, you are misinterpreting the guidance and the practice if you are monitoring ONLY the hot and cold spot.


Dear Paul,

As an industry practice, do we need to perform pre- and post-calibration checks performed before and after mapping studies for the following?
1。Vaisala温度/Humidity Loggersused in mapping environmental chamber
2。Vaisalaco2探针GMP251andVL-4000-40C模拟记录器for CO2chambers
3. VaisalaVL-170054TThermocouple Logger for LN2 units

Paul wrote:

Thank you for these wide-ranging questions! I’ve tried my best to answer…

First, you asked about our温度/Humidity data loggersused inmapping environmental chambers
In general, for any temperature sensor, you would perform a pre- and post-calibration check when mapping. This is not written in stone, but it is the general practice especially when using sensors with that tend drift with use, such as thermocouples.

热电偶在精度上漂移的已知趋势创造了校准前后的实践。我们看到的是,老年检查员和审计师希望看到这一步骤。但是,我们确实有映射服务提供商作为使用我们的登录器的客户,并且没有进行校准前和校准 - 他们只是验证了工厂校准证书。这是基于设备的已知稳定性以及提供商的经验。这些服务提供商在Vaisala产品方面具有足够的经验,他们知道映射数据记录仪的不经常将无法进行校准。


您的下一个问题是在CO上2探针GMP251and VL-4000-40C Analog data logger forco2chambers
从技术上讲,您不会使用这些映射。气体往往会如此迅速地扩散,以至于几乎立即达到平衡,尤其是在封闭空间中。如果您同意,那么您可能只是在一个点进行测量。如果是我,我只会验证会议厅的综合公司2sensor was calibrated.

But if you want to monitor CO2independently during the mapping, I expect that some sort of calibration verification would be appropriate. Do you have any reason to expect that the CO2您打算使用的传感器在研究期间会大大漂移吗?如果您没有很多历史数据2sensors, it’s useful to do a pre-calibration and post-calibration
However, calibration of these devices is not as simple as with a temperature sensor, but there probably is a nice simple point of use check you can do if you have another calibrated instrument to use as reference. We aren’t looking for a full calibration here… just a quick documented check to show why you think the instrument is accurate.

Finally, you mentioned Vaisala VL-170054T Thermocouple Logger used inLN2units。如果您正在映射,尤其是使用热电偶,我肯定会进行校准和校准后检查。同样,这不一定要复杂,足以记录传感器的准确性。

请注意,在液氮温度下,热电偶有很多错误。根据我的经验,映射LN2单位很困难。我不得不绘制一些LN2storage dewars back in the day and we eventually managed to get it done. But we weren’t really able to conclude much, other than radially symmetric spaces are hard to map and the largest contributor to temperature variation were inherent insulation faults due to the method of construction of the vessel.


In this on-demand webinar, Vaisala Senior Regulatory Expert Paul Daniel reviews the regulations and industry guidance on mapping. He outlines a risk-based validation method to reduce the total number of sensors required while maintaining mapping study defensibility under audit.


  • 审查全球监管变化和GDP的指导
  • 学习确保存储空间符合规格的技术
  • Review crucial factors that impact sensor placement
  • 了解如何创建传感器与映射量的有效比率

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