
Vaisala´s space odyssey since 1950s

Vaisala拥有为太空探索提供传感器的悠久历史,历史可以追溯到1950年代,当时Vaisala转换了无线电理想者的频率,以帮助跟踪世界上第一个人工卫星的Sputnik I。从那时起,Vaisala参与了许多迷人的任务,提供了帮助了解宇宙的技术。

自1992年以来,Vaisala的二氧化碳,湿度和温度传感器已被用于控制船上航天飞机航天飞机和国际空间站的生命科学实验。Vaisala的压力传感器也是NASA的Cassini Mission的一部分,该任务于1997年推出,并于2005年获得了有史以来第一个登陆外太阳能系统中的月球:土星最大的月亮泰坦(Titan)。这是有史以来最雄心勃勃的任务之一,并于2017年结束。

Vaisala's technology is utilized in space exploration due to their extreme stability, which is vital due to the extreme environmental conditions in space. Vaisala's sensors are able to withstand extreme heat and cold and are highly tolerant of shaking and vibration of the space travel.


An illustration of the first artificial satellite
At Vaisala, we are proud to have been involved in space exploration since its beginnings in the 1950s.早在1957年, we converted the frequency of a radiotheodolite to help track Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial satellite, the launch of which represented a pivotal point in the history of space exploration. Since then, we have been involved in a number of fascinating missions, providing technology to help understand the universe around us.

1992: Space life science research

自1992年以来, scientists at Bioserve space technologies at the University of Colorado have been using Vaisala’s carbon dioxide, humidity, and temperature sensors to control life science experiments both onboard space shuttle flights and at the International Space Station. This allows for the regulation of plant growth and animal habitat environments and the study of how they are influenced by microgravity. The findings of such research is vital in determining if food and life support consumables, such as water and oxygen, can ever be produced on board space shuttles, which is necessary if manned flights to Mars and long-distance space exploration are to become a reality. Over the years, Vaisala’s legacy sensors have been replaced with GMM220 series CO2 modules and HMP110 humidity and temperature probes. However, the original sensors continue to deliver reasonable readings, which is testament to their stability and durability in extreme conditions.

1997: Cassini Mission to Titan

Mars is not the only planet visited by Vaisala technology. Our pressure sensors were part of NASA’s Cassini mission which waslaunched in 1997,在2005年,在外部太阳系中获得了有史以来的第一个降落在月球上:土星最大的月亮泰坦。这是有史以来最雄心勃勃的任务之一,结束于2017年. A number of fascinating discoveries were made, including the presence of frozen water on Enceladus (another of Saturn’s moons), the possible birth of a new moon orbiting Saturn and the existence of geologic processes similar to that of Earth on Titan. As the first mission of its kind, lessons learned from Cassini will have a huge influence on future attempts to explore the outer solar system.


在2007年FMI(芬兰气象研究所)为亚利桑那大学领导的Phoenix Mars Lander Mission提供了基于Vaisala传感器的压力测量工具。该项目是在火星极地的第一个成功降落,并为科学家提供了对地球这一部分气候和地质学的许多见解。在凤凰城的发现中,火星杆上存在雪和冰,以及化学高氯酸盐的存在,地球上的某些细菌生命形式被用作食物。这些发现提供了对火星气候和天气的更详细的了解,并进一步证明了地球可能在某个时候支持了生命。


Vaisalaprovided the FMI (Finnish Meteorological Institute) with pressure and humidity sensors for the Mars Rover Curiosity that于2011年推出自1998年该组织首次合作以来,代表了第五次进入太空活动。2015年,流浪者的好奇心发现了火星上液态水的第一个证据,这是迄今为止在火星上发现的最重要的发现之一。该任务还发现,火星曾经包含化学元素,例如硫,氮,氧,磷和碳,以维持我们所知道的生命。此外,它还提供了地球辐射水平的详细信息,这将证明对未来的任何载人任务至关重要。


Sometimes learning is all you get


In 1996, several Vaisala sensors were included in a Russian mission Mars96, which launched unsuccessfully. Highly ambitious at the time, Mars 96 aimed to assess the evolutionary history of Mars’ surface, atmosphere, and inner structure. The technology used in the project has influenced a number of subsequent missions, including the ongoing Mars Express, which is the second longest surviving, continually active spacecraft in orbit around a planet other than Earth.

三年后的1999年NASA MARS极地着陆器中包括四个压力传感器和Vaisala热门。它成功地到达了火星,但未能着陆。该任务开发的一些工具后来在凤凰火星兰德·兰德(Phoenix Mars Lander)任务中使用。

在2003年, a mission called British Beagle 2 had Vaisala’s pressure sensor, thermocap and Capic circuit onboard. It reached Mars, but suffered a communications failure. Features of the spacecraft’s design have since been proposed for a number of other potential Mars missions.



Yes, we are and have been for decades, and soon Vaisala's technology will land on Mars once gain - in collaboration with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and as part of the new Perseverance Rover of NASA's Mars Exploration Program. High technology, innovations, and curiosity to explore the world have characterized Vaisala from the very beginning. Join us in the exploration!