Visa online seminar: how to ensure the quality in low humidity process and save energy

The compressed air
Industrial measurement

Visa online seminar: how to ensure the quality in low humidity process and save energy

In low humidity process, the final quality of products and the overall production costs, and humidity dew point in the manufacturing process of precision measurement and control is closely linked.Too much moisture in the compressed air, for example, will directly affect the gas side related products processing quality, and the intensity of plastic in too much water can reduce the product and lead to poor surface finish.In addition, excessive drying is a waste of energy, material stay in the dryer for the extension of time waste also reduces the production efficiency.

Dehumidification drying machine of continuous regeneration interval available dew point measurement for optimization.Dew point measurement also helps to find possible problems in the operation of the dryer.Dew point measuring location is located in the desiccant dryer air line exports.Fill desiccant drying tower is based on a set of switching a dew point value.The dew point control switch to ensure the constant drying efficiency, so as to realize the stability of product quality.Optimization of regeneration interval also minimize energy consumption.By ensuring that the working performance required drying machine, the user can also be in does not affect the material quality optimization under the condition of drying time, to save energy cost.High temperature and the drying time is too long can also lead to material degradation

Therefore, for low humidity technology and related industries, dew point measuring helps with the lowest cost of production to get good product quality.

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