Visa online seminar: intelligent humidity measurement in industrial applications

Industrial measurement

Visa online seminar: intelligent humidity measurement in industrial applications

In 1973, visa, launched the world's first film HUMICAP type capacitance humidity sensor.Since then, visa, gradually become relative humidity measuring market leader, membrane type capacitance humidity sensor is from a company's innovative product development for the global industry standards.Visa pull HUMICAP sensors equipped humidity instrument is suitable for various applications.From electricity and steel to life science and building automation, many industries need to measure the humidity, the following is a few typical examples:

In many must measure and control the humidity in drying process, such as building materials and paper, and the fluid bed dryer, dry process air humidity is indicating a good indicator of the progress.

To ensure continuous operation and conform to the specifications, clean room and other key environment also requires high standards of environmental measurements.In addition, the glove box and isolator (used for dealing with water or gas sensitive material) also benefited from the humidity of accurate and reliable measurement.Measurement of humidity in the key environment particularly challenging.From most industry, therefore, can be accurate and reliable humidity and dew point measuring benefit, they help to ensure that the process run efficiently, save energy and protect the quality of the final product.

Visa to bring you a brand new topic, and through this online seminar, you will have in-depth knowledge of the following:

  • Visa company introduction and application cases
  • Physics and humidity measurement basis
  • Humidity measurement in industrial applications
  • Related products in

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