Visa online seminar: drug production quality management and continuous monitoring strategy to share

CMS webinar with Pugongying
Life science

In the drug production quality management system, real-time and reliable for the controlled environment monitoring is very important.When you are in a controlled environment when installing a continuous monitoring system, you have to reduce the company's operating risk has made a significant investment.First of all, after the installation has the alarm monitoring system, you reduce the risk of the product quality is damaged.Using the redundant storage equipment and software design, you reduce the risk of data loss or missing.

Visa, continuous monitoring system application viewLinc enterprise server software and sensor equipment, to provide real-time dynamic, alert, and customizable reports.System integrates multiple choice of visa company data recorder, the transmitter and the connection options, used to monitor temperature, relative humidity and dew point temperature, carbon dioxide, pressure difference, door switch, etc.Suitable for light and heavy industries as well as GxP specification application, pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry's stringent regulatory requirements.

This online seminar visa was invitedHas more than 30 years in the field of pharmaceutical production and quality management experience of senior experts, wu jun teacher, would you like to the drug production quality management monitoring requirements, continuous monitoring and analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of continuous monitoring and monitoring system of key user requirements and other important content, at the same time, the visa application manager or will introduce you to relevant laws and regulations, continuous monitoring system to monitor way of classification and the choice of system.

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