
Vaisala的公司治理是基于芬兰法律和Vaisala的协会条款的基础。合并的财务报表和其他财务报告是根据欧盟批准的国际财务报告标准(IFRS)准备的。该公司遵守纳斯达克赫尔辛基有限公司(Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd)和芬兰监督管理局(Finnish Meperionisory Authority)以及证券市场协会(Securities Market Association)出版的芬兰公司治理法规的规则,法规和准则。

Vaisala董事会has approved this Corporate Governance Statement in its meeting on February 17, 2022. Deloitte Oy, audit firm, the company’s auditor, has verified that the statement has been issued and that the general description of internal audit and risk management systems associated with the financial reporting process conforms to the same in financial statements.



VAISALA董事会成员的任期偏离了公司治理法的建议6,该法规建议一年。Vaisala董事会成员的任期是根据其协会章程确定的。Under the Articles of Association, a member’s term is three years, beginning at the close of the General Meeting in which the member is elected and ending at the close of the third subsequent Annual General Meeting.

