

Bluetooth data loggers in GxP Environments
保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel),瓦萨拉
发布: 2019年3月9日
我一直喜欢蓝牙供个人使用。这并不奇怪,因为它首先设计为PAN(个人区域网络)的工具。另外,作为作家,我是一个书呆子,这个名字具有悠久的历史。它来自一个名叫Harald Bluetooth的丹麦维京国王。蓝牙徽标是他名字的两个北欧符文。哈拉德(Harald)以设法团结维京人(Vikings)而闻名。最早为短期无线连接发明蓝牙标准的人是北欧,因此他们以北欧名称向自己的历史致敬。从技术上讲,正是埃里克森(Ericcson)开始从事蓝牙工作,而埃里克森(Ericcson)和弗兰(Vaisala)(芬兰)一样是北欧公司(瑞典)。所以……让我们听到北欧技术进步。(从顽固的维京人的争吵开始。)

One day Bluetooth technology started showing up in my professional world, more specifically: the domain of GxP compliance. The GxP world can be arcane and is often slow to adopt new technologies. So the appearance of Bluetooth not only violated some boundary between my own personal and professional life, it surprised me by the speed of its sudden materialization. Yes, there it was… a Bluetooth Data Logger.

There are currently several flavors of Bluetooth. The one we use for our typical PANs is the most familiar, and with a little analysis, one can see that it isn’t a suitable technology for monitoring in the GxP Environment. First, the Bluetooth protocol is limited to seven devices per node. That’s not enough for most monitoring applications. Second, range is limited to ten meters. Third, the Bluetooth communication protocol is drains batteries pretty fast. When it comes to monitoring, we need battery life in the order of years, not days. (Yes, you could plug the devices in, but I think they lose their attraction when they are wired because there are so many proven wired solutions).

But there is another curious type of Bluetooth that has been making some inroads into the GxP world: Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE (I pronounce it “Bleh”).

Bluetooth Low Energy overcomes two of the three obvious problems with the standard Bluetooth:
• Number of devices limited to 7 per node
• Short duration battery life


Two other advantages of BLE is that it’s inexpensive and devices can have relatively large memories. The technology is being used in innovative ways: in combination with cloud applications, in open API toolkits, and in peer-to-peer cryptocurrency as a way to store data. (Spoiler alert… these benefits don’t actually translate well in a conservative and risk-averse GxP environment.)

•保持更长的连接时间 - (蓝牙掉下来)
• Low implementation costs (Good, but comes with tradeoffs)
• Energy Efficient (up to 5 years)
• Low data rate (great for monitoring) and always off



That said, BLE probably has a place in Cold Chain and GDP (Good Distribution Practices). Low cost and short range wireless with a multi-platformed communication protocol makes sense in cold chain because of the nature of GDP. Devices need to be cheap because they are often lost or damaged. They don’t need to be highly accurate (± 0.5°C is enough). Companies in this arena are often not integrated, and therefore don’t share networks, so a standard protocol makes sense.


BLE might also have a place in temperature mapping, especially in GDP environments for smaller spaces.
However, I argue that BLE is not the right tool for the core pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries, or mapping those types of warehouses. It could be a good way to remove cost obstacles that might be preventing distributors to start mapping their fridges, freezers, and trailers. We should remember that it was only in 2013 that GxP regulators officially reminded distributors that they were accountable as part of the regulated cold chain.







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