

维护和监视 - 风险管理和预防故障
Senja Leivo
Meet the expert: Senja Leivo
发布: 2018年11月2日






Utilizing online DGA monitoring


By contrast, online DGA monitoring allows faults to be detected as early as possible, by continuously assessing the levels of these gases in transformer oil. The sophistication of the technology used and its harnessing of digital trends allows operators to detect faults which may be overlooked in manual oil samples. This results in significant cost reductions when it comes to transformer maintenance and repair, as well as minimizing the likelihood of catastrophic failures.


While a number of online DGA monitors are available to transformer owners and operators, these are not all created equally. Reliable measurement of long-term gas trends is of course a must, but other key considerations when selecting a monitoring device will include its ability to operate in a variety of climatic conditions, a robust design that can be easily fitted to operational transformers, and little need to maintain or monitor the unit itself to ensure its effective operation.

Cost will of course be another significant factor, but here it is important to consider not just the upfront price of an online DGA monitor, but also the costs associated with its installation and operation over its entire active lifetime. Some online DGA techniques require consumables, such as carrier gases, or have moving parts that require maintenance. Alternatives technologies, such as NDIR, mean no additional installation or maintenance costs, offering operators significant cost savings over the lifetime of the technology.

Online DGA has led to a sea change in how transformers are monitored and serviced. It offers a more practical and effective approach to transformer monitoring, giving owners and operators greater peace of mind in the knowledge that these vital links in the energy network are operating in peak condition.

要了解有关Power Transformers在线DGA监控作用的更多信息,请观看网络研讨会:在线DGA监视电源变压器

Senja Leivo

Meet the expert: Senja Leivo

Senja Leivo女士是Vaisala的高级行业专家,也是CIGRE工作组的活跃成员。


Paul Pillitteri

我对Vaisala Transformer产品和信息的质量和竞争力的基本知识非常积极。我会志愿服务的一个建议如下;当试图遵守IEEE,IEC或独立公司的油脂准则时,“关键的故障气体以及为什么形成的原因”通常会导致许多变形金刚用户的巨大费用。应当指出的是,所有功率变压器在正常操作和异常操作过程中基于加载,变压器年龄和变压器上的辅助项目产生气体(包括故障气体)。

Senja Leivo

Dec 5, 2018

zushi lin

do you mean that NDIR monitor have no maintenance cost over 10 years? considering all the mechanical parts used it is difficult to believe that a complex electro/mechanical system that has to measure gases to the ppm level will have no parts failure in 10 years+ that will need repair and maintenance.

Senja Leivo

Dec 5, 2018
Thank you for your question on Vaisala Blog.

当然,并非所有NDIR技术都是相同的。我们只能代表Vaisala的技术。在OPT100 DGA监视器的IR测量技术中,我们仅使用固体组件,这意味着其光学测量模块中没有移动元素。所有传感器组件均由Vaisala使用MEMS技术在自己的洁净室中制造。在传感器中,我们可以调整IR频段通过过滤器的首选波长。同样,光源是基于MEMS的,那里没有灯丝。传感器组件已在10年内进行了广泛的预期寿命测试。

The sensing technology itself includes various automatic proprietary procedures to detect and compensate off ageing of any components like light intensity decrease over years. However, the gas absorption wavelengths do not change as its just fundamental physical phenomenon. By keeping the IR filter properties stable and other components constantly compensated, it is possible to achieve measurements that do not need any factory nor user made site calibration during the years of operation.



All in all, the OPT100 is designed and its components chosen so that we can achieve maintenance free device. Which we truly believe in.

Senja Leivo
Senior Industry Expert

吉姆·罗尼(Jim Ronnie)

Dec 5, 2018

Senja Leivo

感谢您的评论。这是对“无维护”和“失败”之间的区别的很好的澄清。Optimus™Opt100 DGA监视器的设计,因此它不需要用户的任何维护操作来维持其测量性能。但是,使用现代电子产品,例如,尽管组件不太可能失败,但有可能。在Opt100开发中,通过实施自我诊断程序,该程序不断监视其关键组件和操作功能,以告知用户如果出现任何问题,则考虑到了这一点。

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