

发布: 2017年11月1日

Advanced studies on construction materials and air conditioning impact in Japan

More attention is nowadays being paid to the quality of the air we breathe, resulting in an increasing need for humidity measurements in the home and office environments. Maintaining the proper level of relative humidity is also necessary to avoid conditions of extreme humidity condensation in buildings.


Humidity monitoring in man-made environments Dr. Naoshi Kakitsuba atAshikaga Institute of Technology, Gunma, Japan, is one of the leading experts in the construction research field in Japan. He monitors and studies indoor environments to analyze humidity and temperature conditions inside buildings and in construction materials. Such man-made environments include all the places where people spend their time, from living rooms to offices. “In Japan, people are especially interested in solving the humidity condensation problems that cause a lot of harm inside buildings in the winter.

日本房屋通常由木材和钢筋混凝土制成,每个混凝土都有不同的构造方法和特征。例如,如果使用空调或地毯,则室内环境会发生变化。如果我们不太了解房屋及其材料,我们将无法保护它免受湿度的凝结。即使我们对凝结的坚固墙也不会阻止它。我已经测试了许多房屋并收集了十年的数据。分析后,我试图通过选择正确的通风系统来解决冷凝问题。” Kakitsuba博士解释说。

Apartment blurred

People are part of the environment

Dr. Kakitsuba studies not only the buildings but also the people occupying them. “Our measuring object is not just the house, but also the people that are affected by the indoor environment. We monitor and examine changes in the human body – breathing and sweating, etc. It’s clear that human comfort is much improved when humidity levels remain within the desired range in the building. This means that my study is a kind of ecological study,” he says.


Vaisala’s sensor measures humidity condensation

Dr. Kakitsuba examines the correlation between condensation and ventilation in houses, and the problems caused by condensation. Key measurements include:

  1. 房间的相对湿度和温度
  2. 窗户或墙壁上的湿度凝结
  3. 建筑物外的相对湿度和温度
  4. 人的出汗和水分渗透。


He has modified Vaisala’s humidity sensor and transmitter to allow it to be put on window surfaces. He places the humidity and temperature sensors at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other. Based on the measured results, he draws curves showing the window condensation and the correlation between condensation and ventilation. Humidity condensation can be prevented by using suitable ventilation. Furthermore, he analyzes data on the moisture permeation through textiles.

“When I choose new instruments, it is important that I can carry out the tests I want, and that the manufacturer can help with professional and good advice about measuring,” Dr. Kakitsuba points out. In particular, he requires accuracy, fast response times, repeatability and small size. Vaisala meets these requirements. “Vaisala’s suggestions on how to use the sensor and how to calibrate it were one reason for choosing it,” Dr. Kakitsuba concludes.

The article was first published in Vaisala News 151/1999.