Vaisalacompletes NOAA automatic sounding system project in Alaska

Vaisala Autosonde
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Vaisalacompletes NOAA automatic sounding system project in Alaska

Beginning this month, NOAA’s National Weather Service will leverage the success of its relationship with Vaisala on last year’s Alaska project, delivering an additional eight fully automated sounding systems across the continental U.S.

Vaisala这是天气,环境和工业测量的全球领导者,今天宣布成功完成了国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)国家气象局beplay充值的钱可以(NWS)的项目,以自动化阿拉斯加的高空观察。NOAA现在已签约Vaisala,以额外部署八个Vaisala Autosonde®AS15S,该公司在100thAMS Annual Meeting.

“Manually launched radiosondes have been essential weather forecasting tools for decades. From time and cost savings and the ability to work in a wide range of climates and environments to equivalent data quality and availability, our project revealed that automating the process of releasing weather balloons makes good business sense for the NWS,” said马特·琼斯, Vice President, Weather and Environment Americas at Vaisala.

除了两个先前自动化的站点外,阿拉斯加项目还安装了Vaisala的AutoSonde®technology across 11 of the state’s upper-air stations. The project is part of a broader agency initiative to migrate the signal used to transmit radiosonde data out of the radio frequency now used by NOAA’s GOES satellites. With the new deployments in the continental U.S., there will be eight operational AUTOSONDEs, in addition to two existing locations that are being used for training and logistics support.

Used by the NWS for over 80 years,radiosondes测量风速和方向,气压和温度以及相对湿度,生成信息气象学家需要产生用于保护生命和财产的预测。以与手动发射的气球相似的方式,在自动声音中使用的天气气球充满氢或氦气,并通过对流层高出地球上方22英里,进入平流层。

极端天气事件的毁灭性影响可以通过采取高级行动来减少,这就是为什么天气预报至关重要的原因,并支持NWSWeather-Ready Nationprogram’s mission to protect life and property from extreme weather, water and climate events. In light of an increase in costly严重的天气事件和气候灾难over recent years, collecting weather forecasting information is more important than ever, and the Alaska project demonstrated automatic sounding systems guarantee a 97% success rate.

Automating upper-air activities enables NOAA to improve employee recruitment and retention and maximize its resources and budget. By achieving all of the scheduled launches, AUTOSONDEs enable trained meteorology professionals to work on more pressing tasks, such as supporting decision-makers in the field, providing weather support for emerging needs or for enhanced forecasting. Automation also makes it easier to launch extra soundings to collect additional data ahead of major weather events.

Radiosondes are launched twice a day at 92 sites across the U.S., including 13 in Alaska. The launches in Alaska generate data that are especially important to support downstream forecasts for the continental U.S. Automating the launch process guarantees timely data is collected so that decision-makers have the information they need to effectively protect people and property.

有关Vaisala或其自动发声站技术的更多beplay体育官方网站地址信息,请于1月12日至16日在波士顿访问该公司100thAMS Annual Meeting(展位#401)或访问

艾米·莱格(Amy Leger),MAPR
电话。+1 720 358 5917

Vaisalais the global leader in weather, environmental and industrial measurement. Building on over 80 years of experience, Vaisala provides observations for a better world. We are a reliable partner for customers around the world, offering a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1,850 professionals worldwide and is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange. For additional company information, please go towww.dacbvr.tw或者
