

乙醇(c2H5OH) can be made from corn. Corn is ground, and water and enzymes are added to break down the starch.

During the gelatinization step, starch absorbs water, swells up and loses its crystallize structure. This results in breaking of long starch chain into dextrins, smaller chains by Alpha-amylase enzymes via hydrolysis. This process is called liquefaction.

During the passage to the fermentation, the second enzyme, glucoamylase is added to break the dextrins into individual glucose molecules. This step is called simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF). During fermentation the yeasts convert the simple sugar into ethanol.

Vaisala K-Patents®工艺折光仪用于监测液化罐中的溶解糖。在线折射仪还用于监测和控制所需的α-淀粉酶的数量。在发酵过程中测量乙醇和/或糖浓度,以确保乙醇的最大产量。最后,这些折射仪测量值可以最大程度地减少在此过程中的保持时间和酶的使用。

Learn the details of the bioethanol production process from the application note.

Download the application note in PDF by filling the form.

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