
How to Qualify a Vaccine Thermal Shipping Container

Life Science


Pfizer’s vaccine, for example, has storage specifications of -70°C, and is one of the highest profile instances of new challenges facing temperature-controlled distribution. The current distribution channels were not equipped to handle -70°C products. Most distribution centers do not have ultralow temperature freezers and our trucks and planes cannot be kept this cold. This presented a problem for distribution of a vaccine that requires ultra-low conditions.

Pandemic meets ultra-low temperature shipping solution

The answer was found in the thermal shipper.




Anatomy of a thermal shipper

Qualify drug and vaccine thermal shipper


The next layer is insulation. In our diagram, these are the white panels. For a normal frozen shipment, this would just be polystyrene foam. For an ultralow temperature shipment, Pfizer relied on vacuum insulated panels.

The next layer contains cold packs. In our diagram, these are the silver panels. For a normal frozen shipment, this would be a cold pack of some alcohol mixture engineered to have a phase change (to change from solid to liquid) at the product’s target temperature. The phase change temperature matters, because the cold pack will remain at the phase change temperature until the phase change is complete. For instance, regular old ice packs have a phase change at 0°C, and the temperature gets no warmer until all the ice has melted. For Pfizer's ultralow temperature shipper, the cold packs are made of dry ice, which changes phase from solid to gas at -78°C.



Validation proves that a process achieves its intended result. Qualification is the term used when validating a piece of equipment. So, at the same time, when we are qualifying the thermal shipper, we are also validating the standard operating procedure for packing the shipper.


Begin by assembling the thermal shipper according to the SOP. The SOP will include specifications, such as the type of cold pack and the conditioning time and temperature required for the cold pack prior to assembly. Place the conditioned cold-packs and load the product containers with a conditioned placebo product. Next, because we are qualifying the shipper, we will add temperature sensors to the product area. Remember, space is at a premium in these boxes; so rather than placing entire data loggers in the box, remote probes on cables will be used. A thermistor probe is a good choice for this application as they are small and accurate, and are available in different operating ranges, and calibrated measurement ranges. A good example is the Vaisala VL-1416, rather than a data logger with internal sensors, like the Vaisala VL-1000.

The key to shipper qualification is to pack the box following the SOP as if it was an actual shipment. The only changes are that the product is a placebo, and that we included temperature sensors in the load.

Place the packed shipper in an environmental chamber that can simulate the temperatures that can be experienced during shipping. Since we are simulating a summer shipment in an unrefrigerated truck, we might set the chamber to 40°C for 12 hours to represent a sunny day, and ramp it down to 15°C for night. Repeat this cycle for four days to simulate a four-day shipment.

After this four-day challenge in the environmental chamber, review the temperature data from the data loggers. Note whether the sensors in the placebo product stayed within temperature specifications (-10°C to -30°C) for all four days. If that was the case, you can have confidence that the thermal shipper, when packed according to the packing SOP, can keep the product within specifications over a four-day trip during the summer with maximum daytime temperatures of 40°C. One study is not enough, so the process is repeated for two more four-day cycles. With three successful results, the thermal shipper is qualified.

The choice of test duration and challenge temperatures is made based on the intended shipping routes and analysis of expected weather patterns. You may need to qualify one thermal shipper and SOP for the summer, and another different shipper and SOP for the winter.


The end result of a qualified shipper is confidence that the product will be at the right temperature during shipment. Even with an on-board temperature sensor, Pfizer still needed to have a qualified shipper. They had to prove that their single sensor accurately represented the conditions of the entire product area. They also needed confidence that the shipper could maintain the needed temperatures if the on-board sensor failed or the data was lost. In a more conventional scenario with a less critical product, qualifying a shipper can allow distribution with less monitoring. Instead of monitoring the temperature of the shipment with expensive loggers, we can check weather forecasts and make sure shipments arrive within their qualified time limits.



In North America, SoftBox Systems created the thermal shipper for these vaccines. This article includes an interesting video detailing their efforts to develop their shipper. In the video, there is a thermal image of the boxes being challenged in an environmental chamber – the temperature sensor cables (possibly thermocouples) can be seen coming out of the boxes which are physically challenged by being stored upside down and on their sides.


In Europe, CSafe Global developed the thermal shipper used with the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. For more information about the CSafe design, here is a short article on their shipper.

CSafe Global Providing Thermal Protection for COVID-19 Vaccine Shipments from BioNTech Facility透明

If you have any questions about validation or monitoring, pleasecontact us或在下面发表评论。

Reliable Monitoring for COVID-19 Applications


• Vaccine, drug and medical device distribution

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S A M Imran Chowdhury


Paul Daniel

Jul 13, 2021
一旦了解了现代制造业中的流程要求,无论是药物,技术还是正常行业,都可以在哪里使用Vaisala测量。无论是在制造还是分销中,我们都为与Covid-19斗争的能力感到自豪。热托运人解决方案已经存在了很长时间 - 我在20年前才识别它们。使辉瑞的热托运人如此不寻常的原因是,他们通过使用干冰块和真空板绝缘来实现超低温度。信贷也向Softbox和CSAFE提供了提供这些盒子以满足需求的信用,因为如果没有这些包装专家的帮助,辉瑞没有这样做。VAISALA数据记录仪和ViewLinc(或VLOG)软件是合格的热托运人的绝佳解决方案。但是,老实说,我不知道是否使用Vaisala数据记录仪用于辉瑞的托运人资格。
