

Portable Hydrogen Peroxide vapor generator for bio-decontamination
Janice Bennett-Livingston
Published: 2020年2月11日
Life Science

In 2014, an independent report commissioned by the UK estimated that drug-resistant infections could result in 10 million deaths and cost over 100 trillion USD by 2050. (See: “抗菌素抵抗:解决国家健康和财富的危机。”)Drug-resistant infections, or so-called “superbugs,” include Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), Candia Auris, and other resistant organisms. In response to this emerging issue, the Secretary-General of the United Nations created The Interagency Coordination Group (IACG) on Antimicrobial Resistance in 2016. The IACG supplied its report to the UN in April of 2019, “No time to Wait: Securing the future from Drug-resistant Infections。”

Innovate & collaborate

该报告提出了五项建议,以应对抗菌耐药性(AMR)的威胁,其中包括:“创新以确保未来”和“协作以更有效的行动”。在芬兰,在芬兰有限公司的VTT技术研究中心之间发生了合作和创新,以打击耐药病原体。Cleamix, a manufacturer of portable hydrogen peroxide vapor generators, and industrial measurement system and sensor manufacturer Vaisala Oyj.

这种创新的特殊故事始于芬兰空军寻求一种破坏生物毒素和武器微生物的方式。美国军方进行了许多初步工作,表明过氧化氢可以作为生物脱氧剂有效。问题是大多数市售H2o2vapor generators were too large to be field-deployed. So, the Finnish military turned to the scientific community to find a vapor generator that was portable, cost-effective, and capable of sufficient hydrogen peroxide vapor output.

Finnish equipment manufacturer Cleamix was founded to study the problem and created a lightweight vapor generator that could produce sufficient quantities of vapor with the required concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. However, to ensure the vapor would be effective in destroying microorganisms, Cleamix needed their device to specify the right concentration of H2o2在给定时间段的蒸气。这需要一个可以测量过氧化氢蒸气浓度的传感器,以及其他关键过程参数,包括温度和从水和过氧化氢蒸气的组合得出的湿度值:相对饱和度RS%。

“无论您是在对驾驶舱,救护车,隔离器还是手术室(实际上可以被污染的任何区域)进行净化,您都需要内联传感器,不仅为H提供值2o2蒸气和相对饱和度,因为这会告诉您何时在当前温度下发生凝结。相对饱和表明从水和过氧化氢蒸气的组合得出的湿度值。”-Panu Wilska,首席执行官Clamix


Panu Wilska came to Cleamix in 2016 with over 25 years of international experience ranging from nuclear physics to managing hi-tech start-ups. He has served the company as an advisor, board member, board chair, and now CEO. Cleamix learned that Vaisala was developing a sensor for vaporized hydrogen peroxide and that the sensor would give multiple values; ppm of H2o2and temperature, but most importantly, a value for the saturation point. Although it is technically possible to calculate values for each parameter - temperature, relative humidity, and ppm H2o2- 您仍然需要每个传感器。

New technologies combined

Vaisala created thePeroxcap®技术,并且Clamix是测试该系列探针(HPP270)的第一家公司之一。这些探针可与蒸气发生器一起使用,以测量净化下的条件。还可以集成探针以根据过程要求控制蒸气输出。因为Vaisala HPP-series probesenable real-time process control, if the Cleamix vapor generator needs to adjust output to match changing environmental conditions during a process, the probe data allows the generator to adjust automatically.


Efficient, effective bio-decontamination

圆锥发电机使用大约一升液体H2o2for five and a half hours of continuous, full-power operation. With a combination of phase change methods, accelerated vaporization under and over atmospheric pressure, and 3rd party validated efficacy; the company now has 26 patents pending for its unique technology.

other innovations followed. Along with its portability, the Cleamix vapor generators can vaporize a combination of liquids. Typical applications require a 50% H2o2水溶液,但是添加了少量的氨,蒸气会破坏其他病原体,包括武器化的神经气体。圆锥h2o2vapor generators have been independently tested by two different military organizations and found to successfully neutralize all nerve agents, including VX and Sarin. This year saw testing of the Cleamix units in laboratories researching a dangerous new superbug, Candida Auris (C.Auris).

This rapidly emerging fungal pathogen was first discovered in Japan in 2009 and can cause life-threatening infections due to its resistance to all three classes of antifungals. Cleamix’s tests have shown that acetic acid will accelerate decontamination, but C. Auris can also be destroyed with high-concentration vaporized hydrogen peroxide alone.


2019年4月,《纽约时报》发表了一篇关于C. Auris的文章,标题为“”一种神秘的感染,跨越地球的气候。” The article describes recent outbreaks in hospitals and medical centers in Spain, the UK, and several states in the US. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have added C.Auris to its list of urgent threats. Globally, C.Auris outbreaks have occurred in India, Pakistan, and South Africa. Both the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the South African Centre for Opportunistic, Tropical and Hospital Infections (COTHI), released interim recommendations on the management of C. Auris suggesting the use of hydrogen peroxide vapor when feasible, in addition to other decontamination agents and methods. (See: “Candida Auris: Disinfectants and Implications for Infection Control。”)

“C.Auris is highly resistant to many biocides, including vaporized H2o2, but it can effectively be destroyed by H2o2蒸气与其他代理混合。使用的另一种液体必须更酸性,例如过乙酸或乙酸。我们参与了各种实验室的更多测试。这就是为什么允许液体组合的圆锥单元的汽化方法至关重要的原因。

“与蒸发过氧化氢的生物污染可以主动使用,而不是反应性地使用。这些病原体很难杀死,甚至一旦感染了一个人就难以治愈。频繁的生物污染可以阻止爆发,但是设备需要便携,高效且负担得起。”- 帕努·威尔斯卡(Panu Wilska),圆形


到Clamix开始与Vaisala一起工作时,他们已经测试了其他过氧化氢传感器,但需要一个稳定,准确,易于集成的传感器,并能够为所有必要的参数提供测量。“我们需要一个可以为水蒸气和H的混合物相对饱和提供值的设备2o2vapor because our original tests used a “dry method” of bio-decontamination that avoided visible condensation,” says Wilska.

Vaisala工程师创建了一个传感器,该传感器可以测量和控制生物污染过程中最重要的参数:PPM H2o2,湿度和温度。这引起了一个新参数:相对饱和。该参数有助于操作员确保过程避免凝结(干燥方法蒸汽去污),或包括凝结(湿过程)。Cleamix单元配备了Vaisala在HPP270系列探针中配备了新的Peroxcap®技术,可提供已知的H2o2concentration values. The key process parameters in bio-decontamination are H2o2PPM浓度,温度,相对湿度和暴露时间。



Today Cleamix delivers their units as standalone vaporizers or as networked modules for larger areas and ventilation systems. Their customers include bio-decontamination service providers, hospitals, military and defense organizations, agriculture and animal laboratories, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.


on-demand webinar

From monitoring to controlling with vaporized hydrogen peroxide sensors: why, how & a case study

在本网络研讨会中,Vaisala的传感器技术专家欢迎Clamix OYJ的两位专家解释如何整合Vaisala的传感器和发射器以及蒸气发电机,以控制蒸发的氢过氧化氧化氧化氢生物 - 污染应用。

Clamix使用Vaisala的HPP270传感器使用便携式蒸气发电机-VCS -100设备来监视和控制蒸气生成。两个圆锥代表将解释集成传感器以监视和控制的优势。我们的片段演示者将提供有关病房的有效生物污染的案例研究。

两位Vaisala传感器专家还将简要地描述Vaisala的Peroxcap®传感器技术及其测量多个参数的独特能力,包括:过氧化氢蒸气,温度和湿度 - 既是相对饱和度和相对湿度。
