






Changes in compounding regulations


"During the rulemaking process, FDA will not enter into new agreements with states based on this standard MOU. FDA does not expect states that have signed the standard MOU to carry out the activities described in the MOU. In addition, the standard MOU will be updated based on the content of a final rule, and FDA intends to announce a new opportunity for all states to consider and sign the updated standard MOU."

See updates on FDA.gov: “理解解决复合药物的某些分布(MOU)的备忘录透明



It’s important to understand the reason for compounded drugs. As stated, the delivery method of the drug may be problematic for some patients. In addition, some drugs contain common allergens in the commercially available drug formulations. For instance, certain dyes which, while harmless for most people, are still common enough so that compounding pharmacies need to be able to create a version of the drug without that substance.

Compounding pharmacies in the US can be accredited by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB). Pharmacies accredited by PCAB are regularly surveyed and submit documented proof that they meet PCAB quality standards, including:

• Chemicals must be obtained from trusted suppliers
• Pharmacists and technicians receive ongoing education
•USP <795>,USP <797>和USP <800>标准已达到或超过

Compounding pharmacies must also adhere to standards of USP be able to prove adherence in a survey by an accreditor.

全国药房董事会协会(NABP)works collaboratively with the FDA and state pharmacy boards. Pharmacies seeking to ensure they reach the highest standards in compounding can voluntarily take part in the NABP’s Verified Pharmacy Program (VPP) inspection program, which aids in compliance with state pharmacy board requirements, verifies pharmacy data, assists with meeting licensing standards, and demonstrates compliance to current US Pharmacopeia standards for nonsterile and sterile compounding. Over the years, more US state pharmacy boards are requiring 3rd party inspections, as the program provided by the NABP. To maintain accreditation, a pharmacy has to initiate a survey of their operations every three years.







1. State boards of pharmacy ensure all compounding pharmacies follow state regulations for pharmacy practice, which are aligned with USP standards.
2. FDA调节503B复合药房,以及在503A和503B药房中使用的所有活性药物成分。



许多复合药房,包括503a和503b,都使用Vaisala ViewLinc监视系统记录,警告和报告其关键参数,例如温度,相对湿度和差异压力。过去,复合实验室可能使用基本的温度计。在调查下,这可能会带来有关温度数据中校准,到期日期,记录或差距的问题。

Many compounding labs now use systems like viewLinc to minimize risk and ensure their drugs are manufactured in controlled conditions, with recorded, inerasable data, and connected to 24/7 alarming for out of specification conditions. For instance, if a power outage occurs, pharmacies must ensure that expensive inventory is maintained under the correct conditions.

Vaisala映射系统can also be used to perform qualifications of rooms and chambers, such as refrigerators, freezers, and cold rooms.

Both the viewLinc monitoring and mapping systems use data loggers that record information at the point of measurement, as well as in the system’s server, so that data is never lost and cannot be changed. Easy access to these records, along with calibration data for the sensors, makes compliance and accreditation simple and efficient, with报告that can be customized, but not altered, either accidentally or deliberately.


“这cleanroom cabinets是一个方便的解决方案...在此之前,我们正在建造自己的面板来监视洁净室。我们将购买压力发送器,电源等,并将其全部汇总。现在,Vaisala提供了整合我们需要的所有东西的机柜。这是降低人工成本的好方法。我们指定了我们的需求,Vaisala为我们建立了它。这减少了洁净室的整体建筑预算。洁净室的建筑必须高效;通常,我们在产品上竞争市场。因此,我们可以建立监视系统越快,越好。”

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