

Calibration service

Customers often ask Vaisala about the differences of calibration services so let's share some of the less visible topics related to the services.

Regular calibration of the measurement instruments is important especially in demanding applications. Incorrect readings may lead to costly and incorrect decisions or even life danger in the most critical applications.

选择正确的校准方法和供应商是下一个重要步骤。Vaisala网络研讨会讨论了选择质量校准和正确校准选项的一些关键元素Calibration as a Key to Better Business


  1. 您可以获得最佳的仪器准确性。校准过程包括校准,调整和左侧校准,以确保仪器读取后100%准确。制造商知道其所有仪器的调整程序。通常,校准过程甚至包含比您在校准证书上看到的更多调整点。这样可以确保您的乐器的最佳准确性。
  2. You can be sure the instrument is as accurate as new。现代仪器具有广泛的有用功能。通常,制造商的校准服务还包括其他测试,而不仅仅是校准。甚至其他校准点也可以用于真正验证仪器的功能。此额外的测试证实了所有使用的功能都按照应有的方式执行。
  3. You get no surprises with the delivery。制造商有能力在同一服务访问中评估仪器的状况并照顾所需的行动。不需要额外的物流,这可以节省时间和金钱。即使由于某种原因出于某种原因,该产品已排除规格,制造商通常也可以在功能正常和原始规范的同一时间范围内将其返回。能够避免不愉快的惊喜对于使操作的停机时间最小和可预见至关重要。
  4. You get the latest updates。制造商在产品生命周期内开发了其仪器,并且多年来推出了软件和其他功能的更新。制造商通常会告知客户任何关键的关键更新,但有时还会进行较小的,未经通知的绩效改进。通过校准制造商的仪器,您通常可以确保您不会错过任何关键更新或性能改进,并且能够享受最佳功能和性能。

As you can see, there are multiple points to consider when selecting the calibration provider, but the choice is straightforward when it comes to selecting between external organizations.

If you would like to know more about calibration or are wondering whether you should set up an internal calibration lab, this 34-pager onCalibration requirements, services, and activities(pdf) will give you expert knowledge on what calibration is all about.
