

BMW I Vision Dee Concept Car在CES2023。照片来源:消费技术协会
彼得里·马贾瓦(Petri Marjava)
彼得里·马贾瓦(Petri Marjava)
Head of Automotive
Published: Jan 30, 2023
Weather & Environment


That adage never felt more appropriate than at this year's CES. It certainly felt like I walked a thousand miles to see everything worth seeing at the world's largest consumer electronics show.

我的同事Samuli对shift to sustainable technologyat CES 2023. For me, the highlight was the focus on electric cars, smart mobility, and software-defined vehicles. No doubt about it, the car is now tech, and this trend is redefining the whole automotive industry.

The software-defined car is going mainstream

The shift towards software-based technology is revolutionizing the car experience for drivers and passengers alike. Just like your smartphone and computer, a software-defined car can be updated and upgraded over the air to add new features and capabilities without having to replace expensive hardware components. This development is becoming a major driver of innovation and competitive differentiation in the automotive industry.

有了Vaisala Xweather,我们有一个明确的目标。我们希望帮助汽车创新者使每一段旅程更安全,更高效。在CES,我们展示了三个示例,说明了实时天气数据与可靠的预测如何改善驾驶员和乘客的安全性,舒适性和便利性。


地图显示道路表面条件 - 干燥,潮湿,潮湿,雪,泥浆或冰 - 遍布北美
道路表面状况是Vaisala Xweather Road Weather API可用的许多参数之一。

The race towards autonomous driving was on full display at CES. But there are still many challenges.


VaisalaXweather is helping the automotive industry safely expand the ODD of autonomous vehicles by supplying accurate real-timeroad weather data


Road weather data helps reduce the risk of accidents by providing accurate real-time information about surface conditions beyond the vehicle's line of sight. Weather-aware vehicles can also use road weather forecasts to find safer, more efficient routes and reduce drive time by avoiding roads with poor driving conditions.


VaisalaXweather Air Quality Forecast helps you make informed decisions about how, where, and when to travel.


At CES, we showed how accurate local air quality data can enhance the driver experience and improve safety. In our example, a family is planning to go hiking in the mountains. They enter the destination into the car's navigation. Unfortunately, the map shows that air quality will be poor at the destination for the next 24 hours. The air quality forecast shows winds carrying smoke from a forest fire in a neighboring state into the region. The map shows that the air quality at the coast is excellent, so the family decides to go to the beach instead.

Vaisala Xweather空气质量指数数据由最先进的空气质量模型提供动力,该模型提供空气质量指数和个人污染物水平,包括NO,NO2, O3,co,所以2,PM2.5和PM10。全球覆盖范围可提供实时视图,每小时更新,并提前72小时。


Car infotainment screen showing weather data on a map
With Vaisala Xweather, an electric vehicle can use weather data to calculate its expected range more accurately.


Driving conservatively and turning down the heating or air conditioning extends the range. But other factors, such as terrain, traffic, and the weather, are outside the driver’s influence, which can lead to range anxiety.

Xweather Road Weather API提供了准确的与驾驶相关的天气数据,使车辆制造商能够在当前和预测的条件下更准确地计算EV范围。



Vaisala Xweather Road Weather Data受到汽车行业的知名人士的信任:奥迪,宝马,博世,现代,梅赛德斯 - 奔驰,保时捷,兰德·麦克纳利,斯柯达,汤姆托姆和大众汽车。我们的高级预测模型建立在85年的天气专业知识以及20年以上在道路天气下进行开创性的工作。但这只是开始。


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1。"EV Survey Shows Range Anxiety High While Charging Costs Remain Low,“福布斯,2022年6月28日
