

Published: Jun 2, 2022

How Green Trust is going beyond the limits of met masts with standalone WindCube

Vaisalaprovided: WindCube® vertical profiling lidar



绿色信托基金(Green Trust)是一家活跃在风电场开发连锁店的各个部分的咨询公司,在现场安装了桅杆,以进行风资源评估(WRA)活动。但是,该站点的复杂性,MET MET的测量高度限制以及对数据外推的需求促使绿色信任团队添加了风痛以减少测量不确定性并测量MET MAST不能。

As explained by Jorn Goldenbeld, Senior Wind Specialist and Team Leader of the Solutions department at Green Trust, "There are a lot of height differences between the center points of the met mast and the guywires: The met mast maximum measurement height is 140m and the turbine hub heights we expect to use are 166m or higher. To add a lidar next to the met mast reduces this vertical extrapolation uncertainty."


Vaisala Windcube


Green Trust根据其与该技术合作的丰富经验选择了行业领先的Windcube®垂直分析激光雷达。激光雷达的测量能力是在复杂的地形环境中的一种资产,景观特征会产生非均匀的风流。Jorn pointed out: "With lidar you can measure up to higher altitudes. For me, it means I can never measure higher than that with a mast, so I need something additional to understand what’s going on up there. And of course, lidar is the best solution for that."

In this campaign, Green Trust worked with Deutsche WindGuard GmbH (DWG) to integrate the CFD modeling with the WindCube measurements to validate the correction model. "The objective is to get a measurement location within 2km of each turbine position according to complex terrain measurement recommendations," said Jorn.

The organization is also using WindCube to compare the lidar measurements with the met mast at the heights where the sensors are located. "We have discovered the wind profile measured with the met mast does not represent reality. Above 130 meters, we see a sudden change in the wind profile leading to higher average wind speeds at hub height than we previously expected," Jorn added.


风Cube’s extensive measuring heights are ideal for accurately measuring beyond the limits of a met mast, which is a major advantage in complex terrain. Another advantage is reduced uncertainty of wind measurements in this particular climate.

As Jorn explained, "There is such a dominant wind rose here that the layout is designed in such a way that in the least occurrent wind directions, the turbines are put as close as a two-rotor diameter distance from each other, so sector management needs to be applied as an assumption. But you want to have a certain picture of the wind climate to understand if turbines can survive the Bora winds."

"The other uncertainty is related to production and AEP assessment: P50 as well as P90, because P90 is what the financiers will look at. The measurement campaign is a mix of finding extreme locations to measure, see if the wind turbines will survive the Bora winds, and get a more representative picture of the whole site."

Green Trust利用WindCube的灵活性在整个三年测量项目中在多个位置进行测量,以全面了解风条件。“您可以在一个以上的位置上重复使用一台设备的事实肯定具有价值,我感兴趣。”

Green Trust and DWG first measured the wind in a smaller area to calculate the CFD correction factors and translate it exactly above the lidar position, in order to accurately compare the measurements to the met mast. The team then used the resulting flow correction map within the search area of the lidar location to find the best position with the smallest correction and the lowest uncertainty.

As Green Trust continues their measurement campaign, they are confident WindCube will be an indispensable tool for conducting WRA as it advances wind energy development.

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"With lidar you can measure up to higher altitudes. For me, it means I can never measure higher than that with a mast, so I need something additional to understand what’s going on up there. And of course, lidar is the best solution for that."
Jorn Goldenbeld
Senior Wind Specialist, Green Trust

How Green Trust is going beyond the limits of met masts with standalone WindCube


How Green Trust is going beyond the limits of met masts with standalone WindCube.