

仓库中的传感器放置:温度和湿度数据记录器DL2000  - 卓越的精度和稳定的测量数据记录仪,以进行温度和湿度。
Life Science

有关此视频的编辑笔录,请参见下文。这是我们仓库映射网络研讨会的另一个简短的视频问答环节。在本网络研讨会中,我们建议一种经济有效的方式,可以不断地映射您的仓库。高级监管专家保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)回答了我们在网络研讨会期间没有时间的问题。享受并随时在下面留下更多评论。

[00:00:06]美好的一天,欢迎与Vaisala高级监管专家保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)一起参加另一个问答视频。今天,我们将介绍我们从网络研讨会收到的一些问题:“”Continuous Mapping: Better Data, Better Compliance。”

[00:00:30]我们在网络研讨会上的重点是仓库映射。我们非常感谢在该网络研讨会中有200多人,但是我们没有机会回答所有问题。所以我们今天这样做。*见earlier Q&A video from that webinar


[00:01:04] Paul: In the webinar I recommended starting with stacks of three. That's a stack of sensors with one low, one middle, and one high, and then distributed through the warehouse. This attendee is asking why we should stack sensors vertically. Also, can we use shorter stack stacks [in mapping studies]? This is a perfect question for a thought experiment; we only have three choices when it comes to sensor placement. Option one: distribute sensors randomly throughout the warehouse. This sounds like fun to me, but I guarantee your quality department will hate it.


As fun as it sounds, nobody does random [sensor placement in] mapping. We map with evenly distributed sensors. That is option three and occasionally, we put extra sensors in places of interest. If you distribute sensors evenly in space, geometrically distributed, you will inevitably end up with stacks because rooms tend to be square. So with sensor in an upper corner and one in a lower corner you automatically have to stack sensors.

[00:02:23] Let's look at the guidance.USP第1079章良好的分销实践指出应将传感器放在三个维度的三个平面中。



另一个指导来源是世界卫生组织,世界卫生组织。“存储区域的温度映射技术补充WHO技术报告系列,2011年961号”,如果您的天花板小于3.6米,WTO还建议在堆栈中使用三个传感器。当您的空间为6m或更高时,它们在堆栈中最多可容纳五个传感器。我认为堆栈中的五个传感器有点过大。我从未见过有人在受控空间中使用了许多传感器。对于一个仓库,我建议三个堆栈。在我们的问题上,如果天花板较低,则表示不到8英尺或2.5 m,然后将传感器放入两个堆栈中。

[00:03:28]下一个问题:“一组堆栈之间的横向距离合适?”您说最大横向距离为20 m。这个数字来自哪里?”



[00:05:08]问题三:“ 3 x 3米的房间有多少个映射传感器?”我们可以用来用作参考的指南吗?”

[00:05:33]保罗:是的,我们实际上有一个很好的指导。阈值不仅仅是平面图,但是我们需要担心的体积和体积阈值是20平方米的体积,因此3 x 3米的房间可能会以20 m3的极限为准。任何小于20 m3体积的矩形位置都将需要16个传感器,中间有一个传感器,每个角落都有一个传感器。由于有八个角,我们总共有9个角落。然后,我们将一个传感器放在两侧的中间。一个房间有六个侧面,需要六个传感器。到目前为止,这使得15。最后一个传感器,数字16,我们将放置在控制中心附近。ISPE的“此类传感器放置的轮廓”详细介绍了受控温度室的好练习指南”。


Please leave any comments or questions in the fields below and we will reply shortly!





安娜·亚古达夫(Ana Yagudaev)

在大仓库中使用三个间隔20 m的三个传感器的麻袋是否实用?
我们有一个350'x 250'x 25的仓库,带有40个双面架子。

保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)

Hi Ana. I think your approach is practical and acceptable. It aligns with my advice which is based on guidance and personal experience. I recommend 3-stacks as only place to start, as it will satisfy many, but I personally think this is overkill. This is why I present the strategy to “remove alternating sensors” based off the ISPE diagrams. The end result of this practice, is to have sensor rows that alternate from double stacks (hi-low) to single sensors (middle) all the way down each row. If you want to send me a diagram of your facility, I could give you a more specific answer.

格里·古铁雷斯(Gerry Gutierrez)




保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)




保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)

I don’t have a well-defined definition for large. There is no regulation or guidance that will clearly define the correlation between the size of a storage area, and the resulting sensor densities required for mapping. The ISPE did it for small chambers, but their guidance doesn’t cover spaces over 20 cubic meters total volume, so that doesn’t help us with warehouses.

But just for fun, let’s unpack this concept. Maybe, we should drop the word “warehouse” here, because that already implies a large size space. Let’s just call them “storage areas”, which is what WHO calls them in the title of Supplement 8. Technically, we could call a warehouse a large storage area that is dedicated to managing incoming and outgoing goods. If the WHO basic guidance is telling us to place our sensors stacks 5-10 meters apart, then maybe we can guess the starting size for applying this guidance? Our smallest size area, with three stacks of sensors down each side, at 5m apart, would give us a space that was 10m on a side, or 100 square meters. Maybe we could call this a SMALL storage area?

假设我们有一个足够大的空间,可以将传感器堆叠移至相距10 m,并且每侧有4个堆栈……现在,我们的每侧有30m的空间,或900平方米。也许我们可以称呼这个中型存储区域?



Also, there are some logistics of warehouse mapping to be considered. Mapping sensors need to be attached to something, and usually it is racks and support columns. Your choices of sensor location will often simply be predicated by the location of the existing racks and columns. So you simply pick a density of sensors that aligns with the available areas (racks and columns) to place sensors.



嗨,保罗, thank you so much for a webinar! When it comes to case when empty temperature mapping study needs to be carried out but the racking is not installed yet in the warehouse. Would it be considered acceptable to cover the entire warehouse area and hang the temperature dataloggers on wires from the ceiling as stacks of 3 (1 high, 1 mid level, 1 floor level) with ~20meters spacing between the stacks (for a large warehouse 45 000 - 50 000 S.F.) ?

保罗·丹尼尔(Paul Daniel)




Hi Daniel, I have searched various guidance's for the minimum requirement of the empty temperature monitoring of ambient warehouse, I have not found any hard coded rule for the minimum requirement. I am wondering if 24 hours for empty temperature mapping study is sufficient? (taking in consideration that the warehouse facility is newly built and underwent HVAC qualification). Thank you, Darya
