2022 UK CEUG会议

Birmingham, United Kingdom

The UK Controlled Environment Users’ Group (CEUG) comprises managers of controlled environment facilities, other interested users of controlled environments from university departments, research institutes and companies concerned with research on plants and representatives of manufacturers of controlled environment cabinets, rooms and glasshouses, most of whom are in Europe (British Isles and continental Europe).

Welcome to meet Vaisala's expert at the annual meeting at the University of Birmingham September 6 @ 12:00 pm - September 7 @ 2:00 pm.



The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP252 is an intelligent, stand-alone, ppm-level probe for stable and accurate CO2 measurements.



Indigo520 with probe


Vaisala Indigo500系列发射机是Vaisala Indigo兼容的独立智能探针的主机设备。Indigo500系列包括具有基本功能的多功能Indigo520发射器和Indigo510发射器。

What Do you know about CO2 Measurement?

Every wondered what's unique about Vaisala's CO2 sensors? In this webinar Product Managers, Lars Stormbom and Maria Uusimaa discuss the importance of accurate carbon dioxide measurement in applications such as HVAC, Agriculture & greenhouses, Manufacturing and Incubators.



We're here to help.

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VaiNet Wireless & viewLinc 5

Vaisala viewLinc monitoring system with new wireless technology

viewLinc Monitoring System is an ideal solution for continuous monitoring of environmental data. It is a total solution with data loggers, software, service and IQOQ validation for GxP regulated environments. The latest version of viewLinc introduces a new, long-range wireless technology - VaiNet. It enables superior signal strength (≥100 meters) and penetration compared to other technologies used in wireless monitoring systems.

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