
红外DGA和衰老的油 - 可能没有重新校准?

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发布: 2022年4月25日

Infrared technologies, whether PAS or NDIR, are a great option for DGA monitoring. Infrared also makes it possible to create a maintenance-free DGA monitor that does not need any recalibration — if you can solve the challenge of oil aging.

Dealing with and managing aging oils

IR gas detection is a fundamental method that relies on simple physics. Each gas has a certain IR wavelength which they absorb, and this principle is used to both identify the gases and measure their concentrations.


这导致形成新的化合物 - 碳氢化合物,有时是蒸发的,具有与断层气体相同的吸收波长。这正是问题:IR吸收重叠。当新化合物干扰分析的断层气体时,它会导致DGA结果中的错误。


It's exactly why we asked ourselves if we could eliminate the effect of gas interference without resorting to costly recalibration.


Vaisala的Optimus™Opt100在线DGA监视器包含了一种独特的方法,简单地称为自动校准. The monitor frequently and automatically analyzes the oil composition, and compensates for interfering gases — entirely eliminating the need for recalibration.

这是确认Vaisala Optimus™Opt100在线DGA监视器的长期稳定性和无维护操作的功能之一。

Download the Optimus™ OPT100 technical note to know more »

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