
Sauli Laitinen
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Sauli Laitinen


Innovations and Inspirations

“没有理由的设计” - 一种推动创新的哲学


As Head of Design at the Finnish measurement technology company Vaisala, Sauli Laitinen plays an important role in preserving and enhancing the company’s long-standing reputation for quality and innovation. A heavy responsibility, one might suppose, for someone with two degrees in Psychology, but Sauli is keen to point out that good design is grounded in a deep understanding of customer behaviour. After 14 years working in Research & Development at Vaisala, Sauli says: “I am fortunate to be working in an ‘ideas factory’, which is as exciting now as it was when I first started.” So, we took this opportunity to ask him how important product design is at Vaisala, how it affects the company brand, and why there is ‘no design without reason’.






No idea is a bad idea




For Vaisala this involves sending product and application experts out to visit and observe customers doing their normal work. Sauli says: “If you just ask people what they want, there is a danger that you only get half the story, so it is important to observe them in their work; to ask the right questions and find hidden needs, which means that the researchers must have a deep understanding of the customers and their businesses. A key area of expertise is the combination of application knowledge and an ability to provide answers to the questions customers didn’t even know they had.”


UX Miro董事会

Ideas factory





Mock-ups are assessed against how effectively they solve a customer’s problem; how widely the solution would be adopted; how pleasant the user experience would be; how it would be assembled or configured; how accuracy and reliability can be assured, and how good the product will look and feel. All of these evaluations address the perspective of the user, but it is also necessary to ensure that the product fulfils the needs and expectations of the customer, which may include considerations such as service requirements, longevity, price, lifetime cost, materials and lead times.




Designing smart Indigo family

Vaisala Indigo的工业测量工具家族近年来由于具beplay充值的钱可以有共同目标的一系列产品开发计划而发展。每个都解决了特定的客户问题。Indigo是Vaisala Ideas Factory加入思考的一个很好的例子。在早期,团队意识到,如果可以将各种产品作为模块化家庭协调,他们将同时解决许多重要的客户挑战。


The Indigo range includes intelligent, interchangeable, standalone measurement probes and optional transmitters; all of which are configurable by Vaisala Insight PC Software. The Indigo compatible probes measure key parameters such as humidity, temperature, pressure, dew point, CO2, H2O2 or moisture in oil. Importantly, each of the smart probes can operate as a standalone device, which provides portability advantages for customers. A key advantage is that processes can operate continuously, because each of the probes can be hot-swapped with another.


Vaisala’s design philosophy can be summarized in three words: insightful, complete and pure. Insightful development programs are grounded in a deep understanding of customer needs, combined with a determination to find innovative solutions. The solutions must be complete, in that they may involve both software and hardware, working harmoniously to exploit the latest technologies to both satisfy and excite prospective users. Last but not least, the new product must be pure – this means it must be credible and recognisable as a Vaisala product. Furthermore, it must be designed for an actual customer need, setting the highest standards in the market with essential features such as accuracy and reliability in the long term.

最后,当然,在Vaisala Ideas Factory中,没有任何gi头,因为没有理由没有设计。

Sauli Laitinen

Sauli Laitinen



Sauli Laitinen是一名心理学家,专门从事以用户为中心的产品和服务设计。他与Vaisala设计团队一起支持该公司确定新的机会,并在设计思维和设计师的工具包中将其转变为领先的产品和服务。