WindCube Nacelle


NEW WindBox for WindCube Nacelle Turbine Control

WindBox software creates a 3D reconstruction of the wind field from lidar measurements. The results: Unprecedented data accuracy and availability for Lidar-Assisted Control.

Wind Turbine
Wind Energy WindCube Nacelle Turbine Control

Rapidly adopt and market LAC

用于前馈涡轮控制的Windcube®NACELLE使涡轮机制造商和集成商可以快速采用和销售LIDAR辅助控制(LAC) - 为自己及其最终用户创造了许多好处。

Customize existing wind turbines to further reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) or design larger wind turbines to increase Annual Energy Production, saving CAPEX by designing lighter wind turbines, and OPEX by increasing the lifetime of components and reducing O&M costs.

By fully characterizing the incoming wind field, the system enables proactive control optimizations for changing conditions. This can result in significantly extended wind turbine design limits, reduced loads, improved safety and resilience to extreme events, as well as increased energy capture.

Windcube Nacelle产品聚光灯

WindCube Nacelle Turbine Control

WindCube® Nacelle makes Lidar-Assisted Control (LAC) a reality, reducing Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and creating numerous other benefits for wind energy.

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