

Senior Policy Advisor for Sustainable Development, EUROPEAN SEA PORTS ORGANISATION (ESPO)
发布: 2022年5月9日
Weather & Environment





第1部分:港口应如何适应和准备与气候变化相关的风险 - 欧洲港口的发挥状态

Interview questions:

  1. 请告诉我们一些有关您自己以及您与可持续性和气候变化的兴趣和联系。

    I joined ESPO as Senior Policy Advisor for Sustainable Development in June 2020, having previously worked with drafting the first annual EU MRV Report during my time in the European Commission (DG CLIMA). I have focused my career on EU climate policy and sustainable development, particularly on the maritime sector where specific legislation aimed at the sector is currently being developed. My background is in EU governance, and I have a double master’s degree in European Governance from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands and Konstanz University, Germany.


  2. 您看到对气候变化相关风险的改编对欧洲港口的重要性,在这一旅程中,欧洲港口是什么阶段?

    Ports experience the negative effects of global warming first-hand, from rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions to erosion.2022 IPCC报告突出了端口容易受到气候变化的各种方式。这包括海平面上升和洪水的风险,由于风,波浪,热或雾特征的变化以及例如钢海洋结构的微生物腐蚀而造成的破坏和损害的易感性。


    由于极端条件引起的操作和热应激的停滞,人力和财务成本很深远。鉴于这些负面影响,成功参与气候适应是港口和较大港口社区的存在问题。这有助于解释为什么我们的年度环境报告(请参阅《 ESPO环境报告》 2021年)始终发现气候变化是欧洲港口的最高环境优先事项之一。



    在欧洲一级,ESPO呼吁在欧盟立法中主流气候适应,并监测气候变化对欧洲港口作为战略基础设施的影响。我们还要求在欧洲卫生工具(CEF,创新/现代化基金)下提供专用资金。ESPO还试图为港口提供必要的工具,以防止其运营,包括通过Ecoports Network提供的环境管理,ESPO绿色指南和良好的绿色实践数据库。

  3. 欧盟委员会在2021年初采用了欧盟对气候变化的适应战略。您认为这如何改变他们与港口在气候投资方面的关系?在您看来,资金将如何发挥更强大的作用?

    The Strategy provides a good starting point for encouraging climate adaptation in ports, and European ports very much welcome the efforts of the European Commission to highlight the situation of ports. The Strategy is intended to chart the pathway to a climate-resilient EU by 2050, which will require moving from a reactive to a proactive posture on the European level and in individual ports. It remains to be seen whether the Commission and EU policies will adequately mainstream climate adaptation, and we would call for further recognition of ports as critical infrastructure in terms of climate change adaptation.

    Such recognition is crucial for motivating the strengthening the funding possibilities for adaptation infrastructure and investment, where investments should be based on data-driven climate-proofing guidance. In light of the recently published Fit for 55 proposals, there is an opportunity to provide such funding using revenues from a maritime EU Emission Trading System (ETS), and to seek synergies so that climate-proofing becomes an integral part of the installation or renewal of port infrastructure.

  4. 生态网络是如何产生的?您学到了哪些缓解气候变化主题的缓解和适应性,如何在其他大陆上复制?

    EcoPorts is the main environmental initiative of the European port sector, and it was launched by a number of proactive ports in 1997. Since 2011, the Network has been fully integrated in ESPO. The founding principle of EcoPorts is to create a level playing field on environment through cooperation and sharing of knowledge between ports. EcoPorts provides ports with well-established tools for greening, by making it easy for them to monitor, evaluate and compare their environmental management over time. We are currently working with international partners to work out how we can better share lessons learned and good practices in relation to climate change and adaptation.

    Based on data from EcoPorts members, ESPO also publishes an annual environmental report that follows trends in key indicators over time. Climate adaptation is one key indicator, which is becoming increasingly relevant for Network members and policymakers alike. In my role as coordinator for the EcoPorts network, I draft these annual reports and look at how the environmental indicators can be improved upon in order to better reflect the challenges facing ports.

  5. ESPO如何与国际港口和港口协会(IAPH)和国际海事组织(IMO)等公司进行进一步合作,以传达采用气候采用的最佳实践?

    ESPO and individual ports are already working closely with the IAPH and Navigating a Changing Climate (NaCC) on this very issue. For individual ports, IAPH and IMO provide key insights and provide the platforms for exchanging best practices and discussing next steps on the international level.

  6. 对于正在考虑投资气候富度活动或相关技术的港口,它们应该如何开始?

    The ESPO Green Guide是港口的绝佳起点,因为它为港口如何独自或与港口中的其他利益相关者一起进行绿色提供了一般指导。与ESPO同事一起,我还不断地通知我们的会员有关可用的资金机会,并提出与欧盟决策者的气候适应问题。此外,NACCprovides useful reporting on port adaptation to climate change.


阅读更多 - 港口和气候变化,第2部分:面临TT俱乐部Michael Yarwood面临的气候风险的港口。
阅读更多 - 港口和气候变化,第3部分:世界港口可持续发展计划如何推动全球与Antonis Michail港口的可持续发展努力


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